Home Destinations Finland border with Russia: West and East border

Finland border with Russia: West and East border

by tripteedy.com

The Finland border with Russia serves as a vital crossing point between Eastern Europe and Scandinavia. Spanning the entire border between the two countries, this region has recently witnessed significant developments that have garnered international attention.

 Finland’s decision to temporarily close the border crossing has sparked discussions surrounding migrants, security concerns, and diplomatic relations. In this article, we will delve into the details, implications, and consequences of Finland’s border closure with Russia.

The Eastern Border Crossings with Finland

The entire border with Russia has historically been an essential passage for migrants, travelers, and tradespeople. However, due to a recent influx of migrants, Finland has made the decision to close the border crossing points temporarily.

The Finnish government took this step to address the rise in asylum seekers, ensuring the country could adequately manage the situation and maintain control of its borders.

The Impact of the Closure

The closure of the Eastern border crossings with Russia, including the Vaalimaa and Niirala crossings, has effectively limited the travel opportunities between the two countries. Citizens are now advised against non-essential travel to Russia, as the border closure has led to the suspension of regular services, including consular support.

The Finnish government’s decision to close the border comes amidst rising tensions between Russia and the European Union (EU), particularly in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As Finland shares a border with Russia, the government aims to take necessary precautions to ensure the safety and security of its citizens.

The Role of Migrants and Asylum Seekers

One of the primary concerns driving Finland’s decision is the recent influx of migrants and asylum seekers. The Finnish authorities have been working diligently to manage the situation and prevent uncontrolled migration. By temporarily closing the border, Finland aims to reestablish control and create a more comprehensive system for processing asylum applications.

 Furthermore, Finland’s interior minister, Mari Rantanen, has accused Russia of employing hybrid tactics to influence migration flows towards Finland.

Finland border with Russia
Finland border with Russia

While these accusations are still under investigation, they highlight the complexities of managing migration and the delicate balance required in maintaining pragmatic and friendly relations between neighboring countries.

The Future of the Border Crossing

Although the border closure has caused inconvenience for those who rely on cross-border travel, it is important to recognize that Finland’s decision was driven by the need for security and control. The Finnish authorities have already announced the temporary reopening of some border crossing points to relieve pressure caused by the closure.

This demonstrates a commitment to finding a balance between managing migration and maintaining smooth border operations. In the long term, Finland aims to strengthen its border agency and collaborate with neighboring countries, including Russia, to develop policies and procedures that address mutual concerns effectively.

Finland recognizes the importance of maintaining a robust yet efficient border control system—one that does not hinder legitimate cross-border activities while still ensuring national security and safety.


The Finland border with Russia holds tremendous significance, serving as a vital passage connecting Eastern Europe and Scandinavia.

Finland’s temporary closure of the border indicates the government’s commitment to managing migration flows and maintaining security in the face of evolving geopolitical circumstances.

By striking a balance between control and cooperation, Finland looks towards a future wherein its borders are secure, its citizens protected, and its relationship with Russia remains respectful and constructive.

Finland has recently decided to temporarily close its border crossing with Russia due to concerns over an influx of migrants. The closure affects the entire border between the two countries, including all eastern border crossings.

The Finnish government, led by Interior Minister Mari Rantanen, accused Russia of not doing enough to control the situation and claimed that Russian hybrid tactics were contributing to the rise in asylum seekers. This decision has caused tension between the two countries, as Finland is a member of NATO and has urged for more support from the organization.

The closure of the border has immediate effects on travel and trade between the two nations, as well as on Finnish citizens who may be stranded in Russia or have difficulty returning home. The Finnish authorities have advised their citizens not to travel to Russia and have temporarily closed consulates and embassy services in Moscow.

Dozens of migrants who had planned on crossing the border are now stranded and seeking alternative routes to enter Finland. This situation has also raised concerns among the international community, particularly the European Union, as Finland’s border closure is affecting the EU’s external border.

The Finnish government is expected to reopen the border crossings once they have resolved the issue with Russia and implemented stricter visa and entry regulations. Overall, this border closure has caused disruptions and raised significant challenges for both Finland and Russia.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the significance of the Finland border with Russia?

A: The Finland border with Russia holds strategic importance as it serves as a crucial crossroad between East and West, impacting trade, security, and diplomatic relations.

Q: When will Finland close its consulates in Russia?

A: Finland is set to close its consulates in Russia in 2023, as part of its response to the escalating tensions and security concerns in the region.

Q: Where is the Vaalimaa border station located?

A: The Vaalimaa border station is situated between Finland and Russia, and it holds significance as a key point of entry and exit for both nations.

Q: What prompted the closure of the Vaalimaa border station between Finland and Russia?

A: The decision to close the Vaalimaa border station between Finland and Russia comes amidst heightened tensions and security measures in the region, impacting border control and movements.

Q: How will Finland close its entire eastern border with Russia?

A: Finland plans to close its entire eastern border with Russia as part of efforts to bolster security and control the flow of goods and people via Russia.

Q: What are the implications of Finland shutting its eastern border with Russia?

A: The closure of the eastern border with Russia will have far-reaching implications for trade, security measures, and diplomatic relations between Finland and its eastern neighbor.

Q: What is the impact of the Finland-Russia border closure on the European Union’s external border?

A: The closure of the Finland-Russia border will impact the European Union’s external border, leading to changes in security protocols and potential shifts in trade dynamics.

Q: Is there a specific date for the closure of the border between Finland and Russia?

A: Finland will close the border with Russia on January 14, affecting the movement of goods, people, and the overall dynamics of the region.

Q: How will the closure of the border between Finland and Russia affect trade and travel?

A: The closure of the border between Finland and Russia will disrupt trade and travel patterns, impacting businesses, commuters, and the overall flow of goods and people between the two nations.

Q: What message does the closure of the border between Finland and Russia send to the international community?

A: The closure of the border between Finland and Russia sends a strong message to the international community regarding the escalating tensions and security measures in the region, impacting diplomatic relations and global perceptions.

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